The Fondation Vallet leads several operations in Beninese prisons thanks to a social worker who is also a preacher and a social worker of the Methodist Church of Benin. The operations benefit all inmates regardless of their religion but this partnership with a recognized faith is extremely valuable in Benin and France alike: the chaplaincies of various faiths are efficient organizations in prisons, even and especially in secular countries.
Libraries have been created in the prisons of Parkou, Porto-Novo, Lokossa, Kandi, Natitingou, Abomey, Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Ouidah, Savalou and Missérété, this last housing (under the aegis of UNO) inmates who took part in the Rwandan genocide. The same equipment was provided to the center for the protection of minors in Agblangandan, which accommodates young offenders. In Porto-Novo, the juvenile wing is often visited, the young people are clothed (in soccer gear or traditional Beninese clothing) and educated as far as possible. The women’s wing profits from special assistance, fitted for the reinsertion of those inmates who sometimes have their babies with them. In any case, medical interns provide critical care. For that matter, they are scholarship holders of the Fondation. Those various actions are also designed to prevent processes of radicalization.